All In the Family

For Giulia Morseletto (pictured above, bottom row center), this Friday’s Commencement Ceremony will be special not just because she will be receiving her AA, but also because she will be the second member of her family to graduate from South.
For the Morseletto family, South has become a family tradition. Giulia's brother Rafael (above right) graduated from South in 2012 and is currently studying at Seattle University. He was the first member of the family to earn a degree. Giulia also has a brother named Francisco who is currently studying at South and plans to graduate next year.
It’s no coincidence that the mother of these students, Gertie, (pictured above, top row center) also goes to school here. As the matriarch of the family, Gertie said that she likes to lead her children by example and recognizes the importance of a higher education, especially from South.
“I’m a single parent and in order for me to motivate my children to get a higher education, I do it myself,” Gertie explained. “At South, I really appreciate the standard of learning and there is a lot of help financially, and from the staff and instructors.”
Gertie, who also works as a caretaker while attending school, added that her family really embodies South’s motto “Start Here Go Anywhere,” and also shared some inspirational words for students like her.
“I would like to share with all of the students, parents and even the single parents – like me – that nothing is impossible. If you work hard, find resources and supervise your kids, nothing is impossible. We are really, really grateful for South Seattle College.”