13th Year Promise Scholarship Takes Center Stage
President Obama unveiled a new push to support his proposal called “America’s College Promise,” which will offer free community college tuition to students who are “willing to work for it.”
The proposal will receive support from a grass-roots organization comprised of students and educational leaders across the country called “Heads-Up America,” as announced by the President on September 9.
The idea of offering tuition free higher education is nothing new to South Seattle College. In fact, South has been offering it since 2008 with a scholarship called the 13th Year Promise. Regardless of their grades or finances all graduates from Cleveland, Chief Sealth International, and Rainier Beach High Schools are eligible to receive the scholarship.
Similar to President Obama’s proposal, the ultimate mission is to increase access to higher education for our community’s students, particularly those from underrepresented groups including students of color, low-income students and first-generation college students.
Each year since the program began, hundreds of 13th Year scholars come to South with their minds focused on their studies and their future, instead of how they’ll cover tuition. Through a combination of private philanthropic gifts and financial aid rewards, tuition costs can take a back seat to education.
In addition to financial support, every scholar receives free vital support services to help them start college with the skills and confidence needed to succeed.
The scholarship is based on research from the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges that demonstrates obtaining a high school diploma and one year of college is the critical “tipping point” for students to find living-wage jobs and/or continue his or her education.
For more information on the 13th Year Promise Scholarship, please click here.