Immigrant and International Student Support at South Seattle College
In light of recent executive orders issued by President Donald Trump temporarily banning travel to the United States from seven majority-Muslim countries, and ordering the construction of a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico, I want to make it clear that South Seattle College stands in full support of our international and immigrant students who are impacted by these developments.
Campus leaders are monitoring these in-flux orders closely, and at this time I encourage students from countries impacted by the most recent order (Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen) to exercise caution with international travel.
South is an open-access institution where we welcome all to work and learn, regardless of background, religious beliefs, identity or immigration status. Now, more than ever, the strength of the fabric that our diversity creates will support those most vulnerable to recent executive actions. I share deep concerns for the negative impact these orders have on our campus community. I will work even harder with all of you to ensure South continues to serve and support everyone toward their aspirations for higher education in a welcoming and safe environment.
Below are avenues of support - both on campus and in our community. Students, please know that you can always approach any South employee with questions or concerns, and we will help you find the right information, resources, or person to talk to.
Student Resources
- South's Counselors are available to meet with you. You can call 206-934-6409 to schedule an appointment
- Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, including the Cultural Center and Gender Equity Center
International Student Resources
- Center for International Education website
- International Student Advisors are available to meet with students during walk-in hours and by appointment. Schedule an appointment by calling 206-934-5360 or visit the CIE front desk in WWB 121. Advisor walk-in hours are 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday - Friday
Community Resources
- Seattle Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs Resources
- Northwest Immigrant Rights Project
- OneAmerica
- Refugee Women's Alliance
- El Centro de la Raza
Gary Oertli
President, South Seattle College