Updated Accessibility Routes during Summertime Construction
You’ll notice some changes around campus this summer with continued construction of the new Integrated Education Center and demolition of Cascade Court. With construction fences going up, some of our traditional routes will be temporarily impacted. We appreciate your patience during this time!
Above is a map of updated ADA Accessible Routes during construction.
If you have further questions, feel free to contact South Seattle College’s Disability Services:
RSB 12, Robert Smith Bldg
South Seattle College
6000 16th Ave SW
RSB 12
Seattle, WA, 98106
Rose Kolovrat
Phone: (206) 934-5137
Email: Rose.Kolovrat@seattlecolleges.edu
Relay: 1-800-833-6384
Angela Pak
Program Coordinator
Phone: (206) 934-6648
Email: Angela.Pak@seattlecolleges.edu