Appointment-Based Computer Lab Access & Technology Requests for Fall Quarter 2020

As we all get ready for fall quarter classes to start on Sept. 29, we are reaching out with important information about computer lab and technology equipment access.
Technology Equipment & Support Requests
If you are in need of additional technology equipment for your online classes this fall (such as Chromebooks, wifi hotspots or webcams), please fill out a Technology Request Form and our Information Technology team will contact you to learn more and coordinate a pickup time if equipment is available for loan.
Please note technology equipment pickups take place at South Seattle College’s Georgetown Campus, located at 6737 Corson Ave. South (campus map). Curbside pickup is available, and please wear a face mask.
If you need additional help using or purchasing technology, please contact IT Services by visiting or via email at
Appointment-Based Computer Lab Access from Sept. 15 through Oct. 15
South Seattle College has set up a computer lab on main campus for appointment-based desktop computer access two weeks before and two weeks into fall quarter with sanitization and social-distancing protocols in place to keep you safe. The labs will be open Tuesdays and Thursdays during limited hours, and students are required to follow a campus entry procedure to gain access (required to comply with State of Washington public health guidelines). Here are the full details:
Where: The computer lab is located in Olympic Hall, Room 102 (campus map) on the main South Seattle College Campus at 6000 16th Ave S.W.
When: Sept. 15 through Oct. 15, 2020. The lab will be open Tuesdays and Thursdays only from 9 .m. to 2 p.m.
Procedure to access the computer lab:
- Step 1: Reserving your computer lab space and letting us know your plan. At least 24 hours before you come to campus you will need to fill out two forms.
- First, select and reserve your time in the computer lab by using the reservation form.
- Next, fill out a Fall 2020 – Limited Visitation for Students form to let us know the time you selected and when you plan to arrive at and leave campus that day.
- If you need any accommodations for you visit, contact Disability Services at or 206-934-5137.
- Step 2: Filling out a campus entry form on the day of your visit. On the day you are coming to campus, you will need to fill out the Student Campus Access Form before you arrive on campus. You will also fill this form out before you leave for the day.
- Step 3: Important reminders and information for your visit.
- When you arrive on campus you will check in at either Entry 1 or Entry 3. Entry 1 gives you access to the North Parking Lot while Entry 3 gives you access to the South Parking Lot. Entry 3 is recommended as you will be closer to the Olympic Hall computer lab. View campus entry map.
- Please remember to wear a face mask at all times while on campus and maintain a distance of six feet from others whenever possible.
- When you get to the computer lab you will be provided with a sanitized keyboard and mouse to use.
Please remember student services are available virtually and remotely to assist you before and after fall quarter starts. Thank you and stay safe!