Never Again Is Now – Day of Remembrance at South Seattle College

Join us on February 19, 2019 for South Seattle College’s annual Day of Remembrance program titled “Never Again…Is Now.” The event will be held from 10:30-1 p.m. in the Jerry Brockey Student Center, Room A. All students, staff, faculty and community members are welcome to attend.
The event will feature a panel discussion featuring South staff and faculty impacted by the incarceration, and a keynote address from Mark Mitsui, President of Portland Community College. Join us as we discuss parallels with the current climate of hate, the immigration ban, border crisis and the separation of families. How does resistance to discrimination differ now compared to 75 years ago?
Day of Remembrance observes Executive Order 9066, signed by President Roosevelt in 1942, which forced 120,000 Japanese American citizens and legal residents into internment camps during WWII.
Thank you to the South’s Office of Student Life, Office of Equity, Inclusion & Inclusion, and our Day of Remembrance Planning Committee members; Simon Boonsripaisal, Dorrienne Chinn, Kat Coelho-Vermeulen, Betsy Hasegawa, Marcia Kato, Paul Kikuchi, Monica Lundberg, Yuki Tamura, Kathy Whitham and Teresa Yamada.
For more information please contact Monica Lundberg, at