Making Cultural Connections with South’s Black Student Union

Members of Black Student Union

South Seattle College Black Student Union President Johnae Beckem has only been in her current position for a short time, and already has big plans for her club! I sat down with Johnae to talk about the future of BSU at South, and how her club plans to bring students together through multicultural events and discussions.

Interested in joining the Black Student Union or have a question about this club? Email to connect with a club member. All students welcome! 

Q: What is the Black Student Union and how did you first become involved?  

A: Learning about other races’ experiences is vital, especially on a campus as multicultural as ours. The Black Student Union is about informing and empowering our student body, connecting with other multicultural clubs and creating a safe space to foster productive discussions between students from every walk of life. The club was founded several years ago. Last year I helped out with BSU’s PR and marketing projects, so I sort of assumed the leadership role!

Q: What’s a regular meeting like?

A: Our monthly meetings mostly focus on planning upcoming events. On Feb. 12-15 we are hosted our first annual Pan African Festival and in March we will put on a Black Women Week. Our weekly meetings include open discussions about current events worldwide, as well as historical events and the relationship and dynamics between the two. It’s a fantastic way for students to learn more about their culture, or a fellow student’s background and perspective in a safe and constructive environment.

Q: When and where do you meet? About how many people are in the club?
A: We meet in OLY 206 every Tuesday at 1:30 p.m.! Currently we have around ten members, but we are excited to welcome more students as the year continues!

Q: What kind of events does your club bring to campus?
A: From Feb. 12-15 we planned our first annual Pan African Festival, and in March we will bring Black Women’s Week to campus. We’re planning more all the time! All our events are open to everyone, regardless of race, and we encourage students to learn how they can become allies and support students of color. We’re also working on putting together a youth outreach program where BSU would travel to Seattle area high schools and connect with students.

Q: Can anyone join the BSU?

A: We absolutely embrace all students who wish to join. One of our main goals is to have open and honest discussions about race relations with non-black students so that we can become a stronger community together!