Choose Your Player & Duke it Out with Smash Club!

Smash Club

Featuring some of the most iconic Nintendo characters of all time including Mario, Link, Kirby and Pikachu, South Seattle College’s Smash Club invites you to meet new friends and battle it out in a weekly Super Smash Bros. video game tournament (it’s a multiplayer fighting game where players try to knock opposing characters off the screen). I sat down with Club President Mario Cavazos to talk about his goals for the club, and how you can get your game on!

Interested in joining Smash Club, or have a question? Email to connect with Club President Mario Cavazos. All students welcome!

Q: How was Smash Club started? How did you first become involved?
A: Another South Seattle College student started the club back in 2015, and now we’re committed to keeping the club going! I actually never played Super Smash Bros. when it initially came out, I only really got into playing once I came to South and started getting into our friendly competition here.

Q: What’s a regular meeting like?
A: Smash Club normally meets every other Thursday beginning at 2 p.m. in JMB 140. We like to start with a quick warm up, and then start a tournament at around 2:30 p.m., going until 5 p.m. or longer. I invite everyone to join, it’s a great place to meet new people and develop your skills!

About how many people are in the club? 
There are currently around four members, but we always welcome new players! We especially want to expand our club because there are Smash Clubs on the Seattle Central, North Seattle, UW-Seattle and Seattle University campuses that we want to be able to compete with!

Q: What are some goals you have for Smash Club?
A: We would really like to go to see live Smash Bros. League events, both as spectators and competitors. We’re also working on getting some sweet team uniforms with official South branding so our members can represent our awesome school at our upcoming competitions.

Q: Do you need to know anything about Super Smash Bros. before you join? 
A: Not at all, we have a range of matches for different skill levels. The great thing is, as you play more, you will absolutely develop your skills as a player. We encourage people to bring their own game controller, or even recording equipment if they like to stream games on Twitch (a live-streaming video platform).

Q: What can students do if they want to join or have questions?
A: Send me an email at and I’ll respond with the time for our next meeting. You can also check out our Facebook group! We look forward to meeting you!