Sweat it Out with the South Seattle College Dance Club

Members of Dance Club

As president of the South Seattle College Dance Club, Cian Scheer knows a thing or two about choreographing a high-energy routine. I sat down with Cian to talk about what you can expect from Dance Club this year!

Interested in joining Dance Club or have a question? Email dance@southseattle.edu to find out when the next meeting will be held. All skill levels welcome! 

Q: When was Dance Club started?
 Dance Club began last year, and we are still trying to expand and improve the club! Dance is a great outlet for exercising, socializing, and expression, and a great way to unwind.

Q: What is a regular meeting like?

A: We start with warm-ups and stretching. Then, we will usually have one of our members teach a choreographed number which they’ve learned or created in advance. We have found that it is much easier to have somebody walk you through steps and give you real-time feedback. We start with a demonstration of the choreography, and then learn it in segments without the music. Next, if it’s a faster dance piece, we will slow down the music and dance it at a slower pace, bringing up the speed gradually.

Q: When and where do you meet?
 Our meetings are held bi-weekly in the yoga classroom (MPB 05). Each meeting is about one to two hours long. Right now, we meet on Mondays at 10:30 a.m. and Wednesdays at 2:30 p.m.

Make sure to wear something that is comfortable for dancing and movement! Starting Spring Quarter, easier dance numbers are going to be taught on Mondays, with more complex dance numbers taught on Wednesdays. You don’t have to come to both sessions, just come to the ones that you feel fit your experience level. This split makes it easier to get started, and faster to progress into harder numbers.

Q: What kind of bigger events does the club do?
 Last year we performed at “Spring Fest” in Clock Tower Plaza, and also danced at events sponsored by the Center for International Education and the United Student Association. This year we performed at the Lunar New Year festival. We encourage anybody to perform with us, regardless of prior experience. We will incorporate easier pieces into our performances so that somebody who hasn’t danced much before can participate.

Q: Can beginners join?  
A: Yes, anybody who is a student at South can come and dance! We’re open to music suggestion, and we try our best to create a flexible learning environment for people with a range of dance experience.